How to stay motivated whilst losing weight on Slimming World

This video is from the amazing Kaleigh Raine, about how to stay motivated whilst losing weight on Simming world , I would say one of the key things is not to let yourself get hungry. Snack on your superfree foods to help keep you feeling full. I find it useful at work to keep a pack of alpen light bars in my drawer. They're 3 syns each (or you can have 2 as your HEB) but can help you feel like your having a treat with your cuppa. Curly wurlys are also good to have in for if you desperately need a chocolate fix! But the main thing is to stick with it as it really does work! Look online for new recipes to try to keep things interesting, we occasionally treat ourselves to a SW steak and chips with peppercorn sauce or a SW cooked breakfast so you feel like you're having a naughty dinner but still sticking to the plan! The added bonus has been my H2B has also lost almost 2st without even trying just from us changing our evening meals.
And this is how to stay motivated by Kaleigh :

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