Super slimmer who shed a staggering 25 STONE is named Slimming World's greatest loser

Oliver Bales, 24, has been crowned Slimming World’s Greatest Loser 2016 having dropped 30 inches from his waistline in two years.

He was unable to stand for long periods without being in pain and could not fit in seats on public transport.
At his heaviest, Oliver Bales tipped the scales at nearly 39st and his size caused him to become extremely depressed.

The 24-year-old was taunted over his weight by cruel bullies throughout school and university.

As well as suffering the jibes, Oliver had sky-high blood pressure, found it hard to stand for long periods of time without being in pain and couldn’t fit into seats on public transport and in lecture theatres.

But after being inspired by a friend’s weight loss on social media, Oliver shed a whopping 30ins from his waist and says he feels “normal” for the first time in his life.
The youngster always knew he was overweight but it wasn’t until he reached his teens and early 20s that his size began to be a significant problem for him.

He said: “While I have some amazing memories from my childhood, I sometimes look back and wish I could have the chance to re-do it.

“I used to feel like people were always comparing me to other children my age, and feeling like ‘the fat, ugly one’ made me angry and upset.

“I missed out on a lot too – I always used to ‘forget’ my PE kit because I hated getting changed in front of the other pupils.

“As time went on, I got bigger and that’s when the bullying started.”
So two years ago he decided to turn his life around and after being inspired by a friend’s weight loss he followed her lead by signing up to Slimming World.
Oliver began following Slimming World’s Food Optimising healthy eating plan which allowed him to enjoy traditional Filipino cuisine without guilt and still have treats like a bar of chocolate or a glass of wine.

He explained: “I was completely shocked that cooking something the Slimming World way could taste so delicious – better than before in fact – and coming from an Asian background, I am a complete lover of rice so I was over the moon to know I could eat rice and still lose weight.

“I can honestly say I have never felt hungry.
Since starting his journey in April 2014 he’s lost a total of 25st, taking him from 38st 13lbs to 13st 13lbs, and gone from wearing a 6XL and having a 64ins waist to a M and a 34ins waist.

Now Oliver, from Portsmouth, enjoys going on shopping trips with his mum who is extremely proud of his achievements.

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