Slimming World give their top tips for weight loss success in 2017

The New Year is often a time when many of us say, enough is enough, it's time to make a change to our diet and lifestyles.

It can be easy to get discouraged along the way with many people unable to see their 'New Year diets' through until the end of the month.

But one local Slimming World expert is urging people starting a weight loss programme this January to have faith in aiming for their ideal weight,

Sarah-Jane Middleton, a Slimming World Consultant for the Cairnshill group, is preparing for a busy January as many people vow to turn their New Year’s resolutions to make this the year that they achieve their dream weight.

She says the latest research conducted by Slimming World shows that people in Belfast shouldn’t feel limited by past weight loss attempts and should instead aim high for weight they would love to be, and get the support they need to achieve it.

Sarah-Jane shed three stone on Slimming World
The national study of 24,457 people with a BMI (body mass index) in the obese category looked at the impact of target setting, and found that the more ambitious the target, the more weight people lose – regardless of their starting weight.

In Northern Ireland around 60% of people are overweight and, nationwide, millions of people are expected to set themselves the target of losing weight this January.

Sarah-Jane says her Slimming World group is the best place to get motivational support along with care and camaraderie to learn to make simple, healthy changes to lose weight and keep it off.

She says: “No dream is out of reach at Slimming World. Whether it’s to lose ten pounds or ten stone, fit into a size 12 dress or a suit you’ve grown out of, run around with the kids or run a 10k race – together, me and the members of the Cairnshill Slimming World group can help you get there.

“We never tell members what they should weigh, and so all new members chose their own target weight when they join. However much you’d love to lose, we know how much more motivating it is when you're aiming for a weight you dream to be rather than a weight you're told you should be or think is easily achievable – and now we have the research to prove it."

Sarah-Jane continued: “I know what it’s like to struggle with your weight and, having lost 3st as a Slimming World member myself after joining in August 2016, I also understand what a huge difference understanding how slimmers feel and offering the right kind of support can make to your chances of achieving your weight loss goals.

"It’s all about support, care, encouragement and fun – and I firmly believe that’s why we regularly see members achieve their weight loss dreams too.

"In group they learn that slimming down doesn’t have to mean giving up any of their favourite foods, and in fact they can fill up on healthy, hearty, delicious meals just by making small changes to the way they are cooked and prepared.

"Many also find they have so much more energy, and become much more active by starting small and finding something fun – whether it’s walking the kids to school, a dance class or washing the car – it all absolutely counts.”

To join Sarah-Jane’s Slimming World Cairnshill groups, which are held every Monday at 7.30pm or every Saturday at 9.30am at Cairnshill Methodist Church, either pop along or give Sarah-Jane a call on 07834392491.
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