What makes Slimming World different from the rest?

As soon as you walk through the doors of any Slimming World group, you can be assured of a warm welcome from your Consultant and fellow members – a bunch of really friendly people all at various stages in their weight loss campaign.

The unique way that Slimming World groups are run, the liberating eating plan and the support you'll receive makes Slimming World the best, and only way to lose weight...

The Slimming World way:

the slimming world difference
We promise each and every member that we will never announce your weight to the group, only your weight loss. There is no room for any kind of humiliation at our slimming club – just warmth, understanding and non-judgemental support.
Every single one of our Consultants have been Slimming World members themselves and have been recruited for their warm, compassionate, caring nature. Their role is to inspire and encourage you to reach whatever personal achievement target you set for yourself.
At Slimming World no food or drink is banned. In fact, having a little of what you fancy every day really does make weight loss easier! In group you'll find members tucking into healthy versions of their favourite foods as well as traditional treats such as chocolate (including Slimming World's nutritious Hifi bars!) And if you want to know more about the fabulous food you can enjoy at Slimming World, visit our healthy eating section.
Our seating arrangement makes sure everyone can see and talk to each other, and the heart of each group – IMAGE Therapy (which stands for Individual Motivation And Group Encouragement) – gives every member the opportunity to share their weight loss success with each other, along with help, tips, recipes, laughter and friendship.
Members are never ‘punished’ or ‘humiliated’ if they gain weight! We’re all human, we all have difficult weeks and at those times we need support and understanding – not belittling and humiliating tactics. Every one of our Consultants has been trained to give you the very best support there is at these times. Using a wealth of unique Slimming World motivational tools, they’ll help you recognise when you could be sabotaging your slimming and empower you to develop a strategy to overcome them for life-long success.
- Credits : http://www.slimmingworld.co.uk/news-and-events/news-sw-difference.aspx#sthash.Ke88RYa0.dpuf

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